Welcome to the Whisperwood Homeowners’ Association website. The Whisperwood subdivision is located in Springfield Township within the Village of Holland Ohio. It was designed in 2001 and is a family friendly community of 177 single family homes.
This website serves the current and future residents of Whisperwood with information about this great community.
Here you will find HOA documents, an events calendar, newsletter, and other useful information.
We hope you will visit often to keep updated on current events and happenings within Whisperwood.
About the Association
The Whisperwood Homeowner’s Association (WHOA) works on behalf of the residents of the Whisperwood subdivision to protect, maintain, and improve the common areas and interests of its residents.
The WHOA is solely comprised of volunteers that give their time and talents for the benefit of the neighborhood. There currently is an open position on the board. Contact any Board member to get involved or if you have ideas on how you would like to get involved.

About the Board
President: Adam Hornack
Vice President: OPEN
Treasurer: Zeeda Bakhsh
Sergeant at Arms: Barb Logan
Secretary: Pamela Byrd